

The availableBlockchains function is an asynchronous function that retrieves a list of available blockchains supported by the blockchain gateway.


This function does not take any parameter.


Data Type



A numeric value indicating the execution status (1 for success, 0 for error).



The error object containing details about the encountered error, if applicable.



An array of available blockchains. Each blockchain is represented as a string.

Example Request and Response


Before making requests with Volary SDK, you must have it installed.

You can install Volary SDK using either npm or yarn. Use the following commands to install Volary SDK:

npm install @nest25/evm-chains-lib
yarn add @nest25/evm-chains-lib


Here is an example of how to make a availableBlockchains request using the Volary SDK:

const { BlockchainInfo } = require('@nest25/evm-chains-lib');

const info = new BlockchainInfo();

async function main() {
    const response = await info.availableBlockchains()



        code: 1,
        blockchains: [
            name: 'Ethereum',
            symbol: 'ETH',
            nft: true,
            wallet: true,
            evm: true,
            logo: 'https://ik.imagekit.io/nest/ethereum-eth-logo.png',
            explorer: 'https://goerli.etherscan.io',
            hasEnoughBalance: [Object]
            name: 'Binance Smart Chain',
            symbol: 'BNB',
            nft: true,
            wallet: true,
            evm: true,
            logo: 'https://ik.imagekit.io/nest/bnb-bnb-logo.png',
            explorer: 'https://testnet.bscscan.com',
            hasEnoughBalance: [Object]
            name: 'Polygon',
            symbol: 'MATIC',
            nft: true,
            wallet: true,
            evm: true,
            logo: 'https://ik.imagekit.io/nest/matic-logo.webp',
            explorer: 'https://mumbai.polygonscan.com',
            hasEnoughBalance: [Object]
            name: 'Avalanche',
            symbol: 'AVA',
            nft: true,
            wallet: true,
            evm: true,
            logo: 'https://ik.imagekit.io/nest/avalanche-avax-logo.png',
            explorer: 'https://testnet.snowtrace.io',
            hasEnoughBalance: [Object]
            name: 'Klaytn',
            symbol: 'KLAY',
            nft: true,
            wallet: true,
            evm: true,
            logo: 'https://ik.imagekit.io/nest/klaytn-klay-logo.png',
            explorer: 'https://baobab.scope.klaytn.com',
            hasEnoughBalance: [Object]
            name: 'Volary',
            symbol: 'VLRY',
            nft: true,
            wallet: true,
            evm: true,
            logo: 'https://ik.imagekit.io/nest/vlry.png',
            explorer: 'https://explorer.volary.io',
            hasEnoughBalance: [Object]
            name: 'Casper',
            symbol: 'CSPR',
            nft: false,
            wallet: false,
            evm: false,
            logo: 'https://ik.imagekit.io/nest/casper-cspr-logo.png',
            explorer: 'https://testnet.cspr.live',
            hasEnoughBalance: [Object]
            name: 'Solana',
            symbol: 'SOL',
            nft: true,
            wallet: true,
            evm: false,
            logo: 'https://ik.imagekit.io/nest/solana-sol-logo.png',
            explorer: 'https://solscan.io/?cluster=devnet',
            hasEnoughBalance: [Object]
            name: 'Aurora',
            symbol: 'AUR',
            nft: true,
            wallet: true,
            evm: true,
            logo: 'https://ik.imagekit.io/nest/aurora.png',
            explorer: 'https://explorer.testnet.aurora.dev',
            hasEnoughBalance: [Object]
            name: 'Moonbeam',
            symbol: 'GLMR',
            nft: true,
            wallet: true,
            evm: true,
            logo: 'https://ik.imagekit.io/nest/moonbeam.png',
            explorer: 'https://moonbase.moonscan.io',
            hasEnoughBalance: [Object]
            name: 'Gnosis',
            symbol: 'GNO',
            nft: true,
            wallet: true,
            evm: true,
            logo: 'https://ik.imagekit.io/nest/gnosis-gno-gno-logo.png',
            explorer: 'https://beacon.gnosisscan.io',
            hasEnoughBalance: [Object]
            name: 'Optimism',
            symbol: 'OP',
            nft: true,
            evm: true,
            wallet: true,
            logo: 'https://ik.imagekit.io/nest/optimism-ethereum-op-logo.png',
            explorer: 'https://goerli-optimism.etherscan.io',
            hasEnoughBalance: [Object]
            name: 'Arbitrum',
            symbol: 'ARB',
            nft: true,
            wallet: true,
            evm: true,
            logo: 'https://ik.imagekit.io/nest/arbitrum-arb-logo.png',
            explorer: 'https://testnet.arbiscan.io',
            hasEnoughBalance: [Object]
            name: 'Celo',
            symbol: 'CELO',
            nft: true,
            wallet: true,
            evm: true,
            logo: 'https://ik.imagekit.io/nest/celo-celo-logo.png',
            explorer: 'https://explorer.celo.org/baklava/',
            hasEnoughBalance: [Object]

Use Cases

  • The availableBlockchains function can be used to fetch a list of available blockchains supported by the blockchain gateway. It can be helpful when providing a selection of blockchains for users to choose from or when validating the blockchain input in other functions.

Last updated